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Buyer's Guide 2025: Monitor Calibration

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  • Achieve accurate color on your screen using these tools

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    Color Vision FamilyColorVision Spyder2 is the second-generation colorimeter and offers significant improvements in sensitivity, especially for gray levels and neutral tones. The Spyder2 calibrates CRT, LCD and laptop monitors. The wizard-based software expands on ColorPLUS, giving you two choices for gamma and white point settings. List Price: $189.

    While Spyder2PRO Studio uses the same colorimeter as Spyder2, it greatly expands the capabilities of the software. With the Studio version, you have unlimited options for gamma and white point, plus it allows you to experiment with custom targets and curves. It also includes the ability to measure luminance and match different monitors to the same target, useful when running multiple displays. Version 2.02 of the Studio product adds support for profiling digital projectors, which will be appreciated by anyone giving presentations. List Price: $299.

    Digital Light & Color’s Profile Mechanic—Monitor calibrates monitors with a choice of white point and gamma settings. The interface makes it easy to set contrast, color and brightness control, and its colorimeter measures and creates a precise profile of your display. The software features a CLUT loader for automatically loading monitor profiles at startup with Windows machines, while all its other functions are fully compatible with Windows and Mac. List Price: $179.

    DisplayMate’s software-based system uses a specially designed slideshow that features test patterns with step-by-step instructions for calibrating your monitor. It achieves good results for maximizing brightness, contrast and color. Although the process is subjective, the exhaustive test patterns and instructions deliver consistently accurate results. List Price: $79.

    GretagMacbeth’s Eye-One Display 2 is a monitor calibration-only package that uses a high-precision colorimeter. The Eye-One Match software offers optimization for gray balance, multiple white point and gamma settings, and ambient light measurement for your specific work environment. List Price: $249.

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