July/August 2025 |
Page 2 of 6 Ultra-Fast Charge Impatience has been rewarded with Sakars 8.5-minute Supersonic Charger. New RD4 technology accelerates charging by enabling batteries to withstand high current levels, allowing Sakars special NiMH batteries to power up in only 8.5 minutes. List Price: $59.99 (charger); $9.99 (two-pack AA batteries). Contact: Sakar, (877) 397-8200, www.sakar.com. Digital Photo Album Preserve your precious memories in a photo albuma digital album, that is. With E-Book Systems FlipAlbum 6 Suite, you can create an intuitive, 3-D, page-flipping album complete with music, text, video and themed layouts, which then can be burned onto CD or DVD. New features include MPEG-2 video formatting, font embedding and GIF format support. Use the Pro version to share your portfolio with clients and add image encryption, watermarks, print locks and passwords. List Price: $69 (Standard); $159 (Pro). Contact: E-Book Systems, (866) 532-8080, www.flipalbum.com. Trigger Happy Easily angle your camera in any direction with the Slik AF-1100 Trigger-Action Digital Ball Head. At 16.2 ounces, the AF-1100 is a lightweight version of its predecessor (the AF-2100), capable of supporting a 6.6-pound load. The patented trigger-handle design lets you smoothly move and position your camera with convenience and ease by simply squeezing and releasing the handle. List Price: $129. Contact: THK Photo Products, (800) 421-1141, www.thkphoto.com. |