
May 2025

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    Have fun with your photo collection using FaceOnBody, a software designed exclusively to swap heads and bodies in six simple steps. The Image Library is an integrated Web browsing and download tool to help you select bodies and scenes. The software comes with standard tools like face resizing, rotation and mirroring, allowing for perfect face positioning. Plus, advanced paint tools allow you to touch up by painting more of the face or more of the scene. List Price: $24.95. Contact: FaceOnBody, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , www.faceonbody.com.

    Upload, manage, share and archive photos with one simple online service. You can do all this with Phanfare minus the annoying advertisements. The software automatically uploads low-resolution thumbnails that you can work with before the high-resolution files finish uploading. You’re given the option to let those with whom you share your album download the images in high-res so they can print the images themselves. Storing your photo collection on Phanfare can keep them safe from computer viruses or crashes and makes the transition to a new computer easier with less data to transfer. List Price: $7 (month); $55 (year); $300 (lifetime membership). Contact: Phanfare, (800) 699-9354, www.phanfare.com.

    Hoodman’s line of Professional Performance Only CompactFlash cards have speeds rated up to 150x and come in 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB and 4 GB. The cards were developed with PC Partner USA and use up to 20% less battery life for image processing. The line is available only through the Professional Photo Dealer Channel. List Price: TBA. Contact: Hoodman, (800) 818-3946, www.hoodmanusa.com.


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