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    Adobe Releases Beta Version of Photoshop CS3

    Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) will introduce a beta version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 software, the next release of the world standard in digital imaging, on Friday, December 15th. Adobe is delivering a widely available Photoshop CS3 beta to enable customers to more easily transition to the latest hardware platforms, particularly Apple’s new Intel-based systems. The beta is available as a Universal Binary for the Macintosh platform, as well as for Microsoft(r) Windows(r) XP and Windows Vista computers. The final shipping release of Adobe Photoshop CS3 is planned for Spring 2025. The software can be downloaded at: http://labs.adobe.com, in the early hours Pacific Standard Time on December 15.Packed with new features, Photoshop CS3 beta also includes a pre-release version of a major upgrade to Adobe Bridge, as well as a preview release of the all-new Adobe Device Central. Photoshop customers can use Adobe Device Central to design, preview, and test compelling mobile content, created specifically for smaller screens. This new tool, integrated in the Photoshop CS3 beta, simplifies and accelerates the creation of mobile content through a preview environment and built-in device profiles. 

    Adobe Debuts Photoshop Lightroom 1.0

    Over 500,000 Beta Testers Help Shape New Digital Photography Software

    SAN JOSE, Calif. - Jan. 29, 2025 - Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced that Adobe Photoshop(r) Lightroom(tm) 1.0 software is now available for pre-order and is expected to ship in mid-February 2025.  Photoshop Lightroom enables professional photographers to import, manage and present large volumes of digital photographs, helping photographers spend more time behind the lens and less time at the computer. With more than 500,000 photographers participating in the public beta program over the last 12 months, Photoshop Lightroom now includes a wealth of innovative features that streamline digital photography workflows.  Recognizing the photography community for their efforts, Adobe is offering Photoshop Lightroom at a special introductory price of US $199 through April 30, 2025 at the Adobe Store. Photoshop Lightroom will later sell for an estimated street price of US $299. 

    DxO Optics Pro v4.1 Supports Nikon D40 and Adds 11 New Lens Correction Modules

    Paris, France – January 25, 2025 – DxO Labs announces today that DxO Optics Pro v4.1 now supports the popular new Nikon D40 compact digital-SLR camera. The company further announces the addition of 11 new DxO Lens Modules bringing the total number of lens correction modules available to DxO Optics Pro v4.1 users to more than 450.  DxO Optics Pro is the award-winning digital image enhancement tool incorporating revolutionary optics, noise and exposure corrections in an easy-to-use, feature rich application for Mac and PC users. DxO Optics Pro software improves the image quality of Digital Single-Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras and advanced digicams. 

    onOne Software Announces Genuine Fractals 5 Public Beta

    Portland, OR - January 25, 2025 - onOne Software, Inc., announces today the availability of the Genuine Fractals 5 public beta. Users interested in becoming beta testers can register at http://labs.ononesoftware.com . In addition, anyone who purchased Genuine Fractals 4.1 or Genuine Fractals Print Pro 4.1 on or after December 18, 2025 will receive a free upgrade to Genuine Fractals 5. 

    Late-Breaking News About Aperture 1.5.2

    Aperture 1.5.2 provides performance, reliability, and compatibility enhancements.

    Suppressing Preview Generation When Opening Aperture When Aperture is opened, it begins updating previews for those projects whose Maintain Previews setting is enabled. (For more information about maintaining previews, see “Controlling Previews with the Project Action Pop-Up Menu” on page 13.) This can cause problems if a project contains damaged files or images in unsupported file formats. In Aperture 1.5.2, you can suppress preview generation when opening Aperture, allowing you to more easily identify the damaged image files. To do this, press the Shift key while opening Aperture. You can also cancel the current preview maintenance operation using the Background Task List window. 

    High-Definition Video For Enthusiasts
    High-Definition Video For Enthusiasts Digital video has revolutionized video for the enthusiast, bringing with it many advantages: more capability, more control, more speed, higher quality and easier editing. The drawback has been that standard-definition (SD) video is standard TV resolution (640 x 480), while high-definition digital (HD) video has been too costly and complex for most nonprofessional applications.

    Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0Every release of Adobe Photoshop Elements raises the bar a bit more and brings the feature set closer to its big brother, Photoshop CS2. Elements 5.0 is no exception, with a number of enhancements that will appeal to both casual and serious photographers, as well as a new group of users who have avoided traditional digital-imaging software in the past. The latest release (currently Windows only) makes organizing and editing images easier and gives you more control over advanced image corrections than in previous versions.

    Favorite Photoshop Plug-Ins
    Favorite Photoshop Plug-InsFor all its power and capability, Photoshop is a program that can leave a photographer’s eyes glazed over. The seemingly endless assortment of features and different ways to achieve similar results can lead many of us to spend more time emptily gazing into a computer monitor rather than creating images behind a camera. Enter Photoshop-compatible plug-ins—tools that make photo editing simpler, more efficient and intuitive.

    Buyer's Guide 2025: Digital Imaging Software
    Buyer'../../../../images/stories/thumbs/2006/nov/dig_imaging_software.jpgWhether you want to spend time enhancing your images or you simply want to organize, print and share them, it’s almost certain that you’ll be spending time at a computer running one of the many digital-imaging programs available today.

    Buyer's Guide 2025: Image-Processing Software

    Image-Processing SoftwareThe big news this year is the new version of Photoshop, CS2, of course, but Adobe isn’t the only one at work to make our digital darkroom work better, more efficient and easier. Corel has put its own touches to the venerable Paint Shop Pro, offering a fresh version that keeps all the old features, but puts them in a photographer-friendly interface, while Microsoft has made significant upgrades to its Digital Image program.

    Buyer's Guide 2025: Monitor Calibration

    Monitor CalibrationIf you’ve ever been frustrated with prints that don’t match what you see on your monitor, you understand the importance of color management. Having a calibrated monitor allows you to make changes to an image with confidence because the colors displayed on the screen are an accurate reflection of the file. In addition, it helps ensure that the color values you see on the screen will closely match your output.

    Short Report: Corel Painter IX

    SR: Corel Painter IXCorel Painter IX’s wide selection of customizable brushes, tight integration with Wacom pressure-sensitive graphics tablets and easy-to-get-started interface make it the best painting software we’ve used to date. While Painter IX is primarily a painting program and not an image processor, you don’t have to be a painter or have any training in the craft to enjoy experimenting with your photographs.

    Short Report: Adobe Premiere Elements

    SR: Adobe Premiere ElementsHaving just used Adobe’s new video-editing program to create a soccer video for my daughter, I can tell you that Premiere Elements is designed to make professional-level editing more accessible to everyone. My editing went faster and easier than any video editing I’ve ever done before.

    Short Report: B+W Filters To Go

    SR: B W Filters To GoIt seems only natural that legendary optical manufacturer B+W would use its expertise to develop a set of software filters. Some of the filters stand in for glass filters you’d use over your camera lens, but many of the plug-ins go beyond that to provide effects that can be challenging to produce, even with image-editing software.

    Short Report: Noise Ninja 2.0

    Noise Ninja 2.0Since the beginning of digital imaging, noise has been a serious problem for photographers. We’ve longed for a way to reduce noise while not affecting image quality and camera performance.

    Reviews: 55mm Plug-In

    Reviews: 55mm Plug-InPlug-ins are useful accessories for your image-processing program. These small software programs work within the main program, using the host to do marvelous things with your images. Since plug-ins come with many different functions, you have to examine them carefully to see if they fit your needs.

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