


PCPHOTO is a national magazine published 8 times per year (6 bimonthly regular issues plus 2 special issues) for people who want to explore and expand their application of photography by making good use of the computer. We take a fresh look at the modern photographic world by encouraging photography and the use of new technologies. Editorial is intended to demystify the use of modern equipment by emphasizing practical use of the camera and the computer, highlighting the technique rather than the technical. PCPHOTO is written and presented for photographers of any computer persuasion -- we use the PC to mean personal computer in its classic, original meaning. It also features and highlights both traditional, film-based photography and image-making with a digital camera.
Feature articles include:
- Interview and portfolio displays of accomplished professional and amateur photographers.
- How-to articles on highly photographic subjects and imagery to help the photographer better understand how the computer can be used to affect, adjust and control the image.
- Non-technical equipment evaluations directed at all photographic enthusiasts. Methods and techniques for using, transporting and maintaining photo and computer equipment.
- Reviews of new technology that can help readers make better images.
The majority of the magazine's features and several departments are written and photographed by assignment. However, we do search for a variety of contributors from different backgrounds and geographic areas. Manuscripts submitted on speculation should be typewritten and double-spaced (a computer disk is fine, but we also need a hard copy for evaluation). Original photographs should never be sent to us. We will accept digital files of images only if a hard copy printout is included, and e-mail submissions will not be accepted. We receive too many submissions to check if yours was received. If you need that information, use a verifiable delivery service. All submissions must be accompanied by a SASE. All work is submitted as speculation (see Terms and Conditions) unless specifically assigned in writing by an assignment letter. Return or notification of possible use can be expected in approximately six to eight weeks. PCPHOTO buys one-time rights for publication in the magazine and on the magazine's Website as part of our permanent archives. Payment is initiated on date of publication.
Since PCPHOTO is a photography magazine, we must see photos before any decision can be made on an article, so phone queries are not appropriate. Ultimately, whether we can use a particular piece or not will depend greatly on the photographs and how they fit in with material already in our files.
- For initial queries, we request photo submissions to be in the form of high-quality inkjet printouts or duplicate transparencies (including transparencies made from digital files). Tear sheets from previously published material such as books or calendars are also acceptable. We do not want to see original transparencies or negatives. We will accept digital files of images, but only if a hard copy printout is included, and e-mail submissions will not be accepted. Your letter should include exactly what you wish to cover in your proposed article and a brief outline of the information or points you intend to include. The more specific you can be, the better we will be able to judge the merits of your idea.
- Often, we are overwhelmed by the volume of submissions we receive for the limited number of pages available in any given issue of the magazine. We wish we could use all of the terrific work we receive. Unfortunately, we can't. We try to get materials returned within approximately six to eight weeks. While PCPHOTO hopes to review and return unusable material as quickly as possible, our priority has to be producing each issue of the magazine. If images or manuscripts are deemed suitable for publication, they may be held for future consideration. Holding such materials does not automatically constitute an acceptance of terms and conditions printed on delivery memos, packing slips or similar correspondence.
Please limit submissions to approximately 20 photographs or less. We don't need more than that to judge the merit in an article idea. In fact, we consider the initial submission of too many photographs to represent the lack of necessary editing to present a selection that succinctly supports the subject being queried.
- The original image can come from any film formats or a digital camera. Do not send original transparencies or negatives as we will not accept them (transparencies or negatives made from a digital file are okay). Realize that while we try to protect images sent to us on speculation, PCPHOTO accepts no responsibility for lost or damaged photographic materials.
- Since PCPHOTO does not accept original negatives or transparencies, we accept no financial responsibility for lost or damaged materials sent to the magazine on speculation.
As mentioned, your images and associated materials will be carried, shipped and mailed by messengers, couriers and mail services while in transit to and from PCPHOTO and--in the case of use--by its vendors. All these carriers and vendors will decline coverage of "extraordinary value" for items like photographs. Under their policies (and in the case of mail services, no matter the amount of insurance purchased), photographs will be covered only for the replacement value of the film and processing. Therefore, it is impossible for PCPHOTO to warrant against damage or loss while photographic, digital or written materials are in our office or in transit. When returning materials to a contributor, the class of mail will be determined by the amount of postage provided for on the SASE enclosed with the submission.
PCPHOTO assumes no responsibility for solicited or unsolicited contribution materials unless otherwise agreed to in writing over the signature of the publisher, editor or managing editor. PCPHOTO does not automatically accept or agree to the conditions and stipulations printed on delivery memos, packing slips and related correspondence as they are presented without prior notice when accompanied by submission materials. Since PCPHOTO does not accept original negatives or transparencies, the magazine can't be responsible for the loss or damage of photographic materials and does not accept the premise that any and all transparencies or negatives are automatically worth a set minimum as suggested by some photographic organizations. This policy is for your protection as well as ours.
We value your article ideas and photographic offerings. With your help, PCPHOTO continues to be vital, informative and unpredictable.


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PCPHOTO Magazine is a publication of the Werner Publishing Corporation
12121 Wilshire Boulevard, 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Copyright© 2025 Werner Publishing Corp.

