
October 2025 HelpLine

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    JPEG Proof...

    Q)  Thanks for your write-up on JPEG and file saving in the July/August issue. It had never dawned on me that what I was seeing on the screen after saving a file wasn’t necessarily what I had saved, even though the new file name showed in the on-screen window. I did a test: Using Paint Shop Pro 9 and a fine-quality JPEG image from my digital camera, I did a Save As using a new file name and the highest possible level of JPEG compression (lowest quality). The new file name appeared in the window after the save was completed, and the image appeared unchanged. But the very high level of compression did such atrocious things to the saved image that they were very evident in the browser thumbnail of the saved file—no question that the file as saved wasn’t the same as the one in the open window showing the new name.

    Bill Moeller
    Via e-mail

    A)  The Export or Save As command isn’t an editing command like crop or blur. It’s strictly a file save command with extra processes, like JPEG compression. And the compression happens as the file is being saved.

    This whole topic has made me think about menus in image editors. If you think about it, there isn’t much under the File menu that does anything to the currently open file (except for anything like “revert” or script or batch functions, of course). The File menu is appropriately named; it isn’t full of editing functions.

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