
Favorite Photoshop Plug-Ins

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    Full Spectrum RGB
    Though digital cameras often do a good job of capturing a color, there are some colors that they don’t render accurately, such as purple. They also aren’t smart enough to know the quality of color we prefer for our images. The strong, saturated colors desired for a landscape aren’t ideal for portraits, which require a softer, more neutral palette.

    Full Spectrum RGB is a plug-in that takes the guesswork out of achieving the right type of color by using a straightforward interface to enhance and adjust color. The software comes with two presets: one for saturated color and higher contrast, ideal for landscape images, and another with a more neutral palette with reduced contrast for portraits. Users also can create their own personal custom color spectrum, and the program has easy-to-use highlight and shadow controls to retain or compress data at the far ends of the tonal range. List Price: $49.


    Digital Film Tools 55mm
    Optical filters played a large role in traditional photography, as they provided creative visual effects by simply being attached to the front of a lens. However, high-quality graduated, soft-focus, color-conversion and special-effects filters can become expensive and slow you down in the field.

    Digital Film Tools 55mm software provides the equivalent of dozens of filters that can be applied to your digital images. Compatible with both 8-bit and 16-bit files, the software delivers creative optical effects with a level of control that can’t be achieved with optical filters. Dozens of filters and effects can be used to smooth skin, correct lens distortion, increase shadow detail, and apply selective color saturation and contrast. List Price: $195.

    Just as photographers had to contend with film grain when they chose to shoot with higher-ISO films, today’s digital photographers have to face the fact that setting their digital camera to higher-ISO settings means an increased presence of noise. These multicolored speckles that appear in an image can dramatically impact an image’s quality, especially when it comes to making big enlargements.

    Kodak’s DIGITAL GEM Pro reduces noise and grain while retaining important tonal and color detail, without introducing unwanted artifacts. It offers the choice between an aggressive (coarse noise) or modest (fine grain) noise suppression. It also features a Noise Preview screen, which allows you to view just the noise you’re trying to eliminate, providing a visual reference when you choose to manually control the plug-in using its simple slider controls. List Price: $99.

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