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  • Article: 10 Hot New Cameras

    The annual Photo Marketing Association (PMA) Show is an exciting time of year for camera enthusiasts because that's when many new models are introduced. This year's show (March 8-11) was no exception, bringing us a number of exciting new cameras with...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear, DSLRs

    Article: 2025 Buyer's Guide: At The Camera Counter

    After nearly seven years as an editor here at PCPhoto, I recently purchased my first digital camera. I've been shooting with digital cameras all along, but since there's a constant flow of the latest and greatest equipment through our offices, I never...

    Also labeled: Buyers Guide

    Article: 9 New D-SLRs

    If the first few months of 2025 are any indication, this will be another big year for D-SLRs. Nine D-SLR models have been introduced so far, adding many new choices in the entry-level and midrange categories. All offer 10 megapixels or more, and seven...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Cutting-Edge Compact Cameras

    With digital SLRs now widely available at advanced compact prices, you might be wondering if the ultra-compact cameras are destined to devolve into an amateur-only plaything. Those of us who have been photographing for many years remember that 35mm...

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Today's Digital SLRs

    There's a definite visceral reaction when taking pictures with an SLR. The look of the camera and the way it seems to be an extension of my hand often evokes a sense that something wonderful is only a fraction of a second away. Although I've taken...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Advanced Compacts

    Advanced compact zoom cameras combine extended zoom ranges, large LCDs and key SLR-like functions into small, highly portable packages. They're easy to use, easy to carry and easy on the wallet. As a class, they provide more performance per pound than...

    Also labeled: Compact Zooms, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: D-SLR Systems

    Today's digital SLR is probably the best camera type for most photographers, offering the widest variety of features, the quickest autofocusing and burst-shooting performance, and the greatest array of interchangeable lenses, along with excellent...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Lens Strategy

    To get the most out of your D-SLR system, you'll want to choose a variety of lenses that offer the focal lengths, speed and features that match well with your favorite subjects. The key to selecting the right lenses is in understanding their...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Lenses, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Advanced Compact Cameras

    One lens, big zoom—that's the number-one benefit of advanced compact cameras compared to D-SLRs. You don't have to own multiple lenses to go from macro to wide-angle, then zoom out to well over 300mm—which also means you don't have to carry multiple...

    Also labeled: Compact Zooms, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Digital SLRs

    While there are advantages to truly compact digital cameras, the compacts are no match for digital SLRs in terms of image quality and performance. D-SLRs have larger image sensors, better autofocusing and metering systems and will accept a wide range...

    Also labeled: DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: Cameras

    So you're ready for a new D-SLR. There are more choices today than at any time in photography's history. That's the good news. It's also the bad news. How do you choose a camera to fit your needs and budget? When you buy a D-SLR, you're buying a...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: D-SLRs $1,000 - $2,000

    For experienced SLR users who want pro-level controls without a professional price tag, the "sweet-spot" D-SLRs offer the best mix of technology and value. Models in this price range improve upon entry-level models with faster response and burst...

    Also labeled: Gear, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: D-SLRs Over $2,000

    If you make your living with your camera or simply want the very best performance and latest technologies, pro models offer uncompromising feature sets and image quality. This also is the range where you'll find "full-frame," 35mm-size sensors,...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Buyer's Guide 2025: D-SLRs Under $1,000

    For first-time D-SLR buyers, the sub-$1,000 category is often the best balance between performance and price. The entry-level segment of the market is highly competitive, with manufacturers vying to bring photographers into their systems. This...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Choosing The Right Digital Camera For You

    The more megapixels an image contains, and the less it's compressed, the more space it takes up on a memory card. So if you shoot RAW 10-megapixel images, you'll need high-capacity memory cards: at least 1 GB (gigabyte); a 2 GB or 4 GB card is even...

    Article: Complete D-SLR System Guide

    It's a great time to be a digital photographer. The digital SLR business is booming, with 10 manufacturers offering more than 25 camera models as of this writing, and more than half of those carrying street prices under $1,000. Even the lowest-end...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs, Buyers Guide

    Article: Cool Gear: Palm-Sized HD Video

    With high-definition television finding its way into more and more living rooms, it's natural that consumer-level video cameras are beginning to follow suit. Consumer HD camcorders, though still somewhat rare at this point, aren't exactly new, but...

    Also labeled: Video Cameras, Gear, Cool Gear

    Article: D-SLR State Of The Art, Part I

    Digital cameras have come a long way since we first began covering them in 1996. The serious limitation of the early days was resolution—the first 1-megapixel camera was a big deal. We’ve reached a point now where digital-imaging technology has met and...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear

    Article: D-SLR State Of The Art, Part II

    Nikon shook up the D-SLR industry late in 2025 with the announcement that its new D3 model provided ISO settings as high as 25,600. Now, Nikon’s D700 and Canon’s EOS 5D Mark II also go up there, Canon’s EOS 50D has a top ISO setting of 12,800, and a...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear, DSLRs

    Article: D-SLR Systems

    Buying a D-SLR is a little different than buying most other high-tech devices. You're also selecting a complete photo system, from lenses and flash to accessories and software. The "right" camera for your needs, present and future, depends a lot on...

    Also labeled: DSLRs

    Article: D-SLRs + HD Video

    Digital video has been a feature of compact digital cameras for years, and recently HD capture has become more common. This feature has now made its way to interchangeable-lens cameras. Though not a replacement for your dedicated HD camcorder, this...

    Also labeled: Video Cameras, DSLRs

    Article: D-SLRs Vs. Advanced Compacts

    As photographers, we've always faced choices—automatic exposure vs. manual, slides vs. negatives, large format vs. 35mm. It's no surprise, then, that digital photography has created another one—digital SLR (D-SLR) vs. advanced compact. Both camera typ...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs, Compact Zooms

    Article: D-SLRs: Buy Now!

    If you’ve been waiting to buy a new digital SLR, now is a great time. Performance, features and price have reached a happy nexus. Even the entry-level models give you very good AF performance and image quality—better than their predecessors and gen...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, Gear, DSLRs

    Article: D-SLRs: Entry-Level, Midrange, Pro

    Digital SLRs are the most versatile cameras, and for many photographers, the best choices. There are three basic categories of D-SLRs: entry-level, midrange and pro. These aren't exclusive categories—there are working pros who use midrange models,...

    Also labeled: Gear, DSLRs, Camera Technique

    Article: D-SLRS: Pro Vs. Enthusiast

    We all know that top-of-the-line pro digital SLRs cost a lot more than entry-level models. There often are huge differences in quality and performance between the two, but not always. Entry-level models are becoming increasingly sophisticated and...

    Also labeled: DSLRs

    Article: Digital Camera Fundamentals

    As technology continues to expand, so does the vocabulary describing it. To help you stay on top of the field, we've decided to squeeze in an occasional glossary page of industry terms for a quick refresher or maybe even as a first-time explanation....

    Article: Equipment TestDrive: Nikon D2h

    A new 4-megapixel sensor is at the core of the new Nikon D2h. Its predecessor, the Nikon D1h, was a very popular camera among action photographers, and what it lacked in ultra-high resolution it more than made up for in its ability to operate at high...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs

    Article: Equipment TestDrive: Nikon D70

    At the annual PMA show in Las Vegas this year, Nikon introduced a new interchangeable-lens digital SLR, the D70. The camera had been rumored for some months, but the trade show offered the first up-close look at the new model. Unlike many PMA...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs

    Article: Equipment TestDrive: Olympus E-1

    The Olympus E-1 is a completely new "from the ground up," professional-level digital SLR. The camera represents one element in a new, complete system. Rather than take previous SLR bodies and lenses and convert them to digital, Olympus has chosen to...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs

    Article: Equipment TestDrive: Pentax *ist D

    The *ist D is the first digital SLR from Pentax. Weighing just 19.4 ounces and measuring 5.1x3.7x2.4-inches, it's considerably lighter than most current D-SLR models, but still has the functionality that you'd expect in a full-featured D-SLR. The...

    Also labeled: Still Cameras, DSLRs


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