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Photo Software
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0
Powerful new tools and fun features make this version of Photoshop Elements well worth the upgrade
By Jon Canfield, Photography by Jon CanField   
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0Every release of Adobe Photoshop Elements raises the bar a bit more and brings the feature set closer to its big brother, Photoshop CS2. Elements 5.0 is no exception, with a number of enhancements that will appeal to both casual and serious photographers, as well as a new group of users who have avoided traditional digital-imaging software in the past. The latest release (currently Windows only) makes organizing and editing images easier and gives you more control over advanced image corrections than in previous versions.
Favorite Photoshop Plug-Ins
Discover the power of photo-centric add-ins
By Ibarionex R. Perello   
Favorite Photoshop Plug-InsFor all its power and capability, Photoshop is a program that can leave a photographer’s eyes glazed over. The seemingly endless assortment of features and different ways to achieve similar results can lead many of us to spend more time emptily gazing into a computer monitor rather than creating images behind a camera. Enter Photoshop-compatible plug-ins—tools that make photo editing simpler, more efficient and intuitive.
Short Report: Corel Painter IX
Bridging the gap between photography and painting
By Ibarionex R. Perello   

SR: Corel Painter IXCorel Painter IX’s wide selection of customizable brushes, tight integration with Wacom pressure-sensitive graphics tablets and easy-to-get-started interface make it the best painting software we’ve used to date. While Painter IX is primarily a painting program and not an image processor, you don’t have to be a painter or have any training in the craft to enjoy experimenting with your photographs.

Short Report: Adobe Premiere Elements
Adobe has created a winner in this easy-to-use video-editing software
By Rob Sheppard   

SR: Adobe Premiere ElementsHaving just used Adobe’s new video-editing program to create a soccer video for my daughter, I can tell you that Premiere Elements is designed to make professional-level editing more accessible to everyone. My editing went faster and easier than any video editing I’ve ever done before.

Short Report: B+W Filters To Go
The renowned optical filter maker debuts a digital offering of photoshop plug-ins
By Zachary Singer   

SR: B W Filters To GoIt seems only natural that legendary optical manufacturer B+W would use its expertise to develop a set of software filters. Some of the filters stand in for glass filters you’d use over your camera lens, but many of the plug-ins go beyond that to provide effects that can be challenging to produce, even with image-editing software.


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