We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If, for some reason, your question isn't answered here, please send us an e-mail at [email protected].
Q: How many photos can I enter?
A: For this contest, we allow up to three photos maximum per person. Submitting more than three will disqualify you from the contest.
Q: I submitted three photos, but why did only one of them or none of them make it into the gallery?
A: Each person's photos is subject to approval. Once you complete the online entry form, one of our editors approves or disapproves each photo for the online gallery.
Q: When can I vote for the People's Choice Awards?
A: The voting period for the People's Choice Awards is December 12, 2008, through December 23, 2008. By entering the contest, you will automatically receive a reminder notice for the People's Choice Awards via e-mail.
Q: How many times can I vote in the People's Choice Awards?
A: Each person is allowed only one vote in the online gallery.
Q: When will the winners be notified?
A: Sometime in Februrary 2009.
Q: When will the winners be announced?
A: The Grand Prize winner's photo will be published in the May 2009 issue of PCPhoto. The First Place and People's Choice Awards winners will be announced online sometime in March 2009.
Q: When I try to enter online, I get an error message. What's going on?
A: Often, if your first attempt at entering online isn't successful, our system won't let you enter again—it's a way to prevent duplicate submissions. Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies—even restarting your computer—and go to the online entry page again.
Q: I've tried clearing my cache and cookies, and I even bought a new computer. The online entry form just isn't working for me.
A: Double-check that the size of your image file meets our requirements. If all else fails, send us an e-mail at [email protected].