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What's New And Notable In Photography And Computing

Two-In-One Camera
Produce prints directly from your digital camera with the new Olympus Camedia C-211. Using standard Polaroid type-500 film, this 2.1-megapixel camera will not only allow you to take and store photographs to SmartMedia cards, but you can also output a 21/4x27/8-inch print directly from the camera in 15 seconds. It comes with a 3x optical zoom (equivalent to a 35-105mm lens on a 35mm camera). Estimated Street Price: $800. Contact: Olympus America, (800) 622-6372,

New Canon Inkjet
Make high-quality photo prints using the Canon BJC-8500 printer. Taking advantage of Canon's P-POP technology, the printer applies an instant-drying ink optimizer for improved water-resistant prints. Using a 1,536-nozzle print head, it supports 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution in sizes up to 13x19-inches with reduced graininess and improved contrast and color on plain and photo-quality papers. List Price: $2,995. Contact: Canon, (800) OK-CANON,

FireWire Scanner
Use your FireWire interface to its full advantage when you scan your images on the Umax PowerLook 1100 flatbed scanner. It has a data transfer rate double that available on a comparable unit using a SCSI interface, and it supports 1200 x 2400 optical resolution and a D-max of 3.4. It can produce high-quality scans from prints up to 8.5x11.7-inches. List Price: $999. Contact: Umax, (510) 651-4000,

Portable Hard Drive
Store your high-resolution images or digital video on a portable VST FireWire External Hard Drive. Weighing only 37 ounces, drives are available in storage capacities from 20 to 75 gigabytes and support a data transfer rate of up to 25 megabytes per second. It's compatible with Windows and Mac and with IEEE 1394 (FireWire) cards. List Prices: $349 to $999. Contact: VST, (978) 635-8200,

Ink-Efficient Printer
Be more efficient with the use of inks while creating prints on the new Sharp AJ-1800 inkjet printer. Using Sharp's AIM (Advanced Ink Management) technology, the printer monitors the four-ink tank system, allowing you to replace an individual ink that has been depleted rather than all four. It can produce high-quality prints at a resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi. List Price: $129.99. Contact: Sharp Electronics, (201) 529-8200,

Low-Cost Film Scanner
Import your slides or negatives into your computer for use on the Web or printing with the PrimeFilm 1800U film scanner from Pacific Image Electronics. The compact scanner offers a resolution of 1800 dpi and has a dynamic range of 2.8. Scanning is made easy with its One-Touch Scan feature, allowing for great scans virtually out of the box. The scanner is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh and is available in beige or bondi-blue. Estimate Street Price: $179. Contact: Pacific Image Electronics, (310) 618-8100,

Laser Printer
Output large numbers of high-quality photo prints quickly through the Minolta Magicolor 2 DeskLaser printer. The laser printer performs at a resolution of 600 x 600 dpi on standard and laser paper and can create prints up to 8.5x11-inches. List Price: $1,691. Contact: Minolta QMS, (800) 523-2696,

Low-Cost/High-Quality Printer
Make your own great-looking prints at a very low price with the Epson Stylus Color 880 inkjet printer. Epson's unique four-picoliter Ultra Micro Dot Technology creates extremely high-quality color photographs at 2880 x 720 dpi. A new ultra-quiet print mechanism keeps the unit unobtrusive while your work. List Price: $149. Contact: Epson, (800) 463-7766,

Access E-Mail Attachments
View files produced from applications that you don't have installed in your computer with Jasc Quick View Plus Version 6. The software uses an Explorer-like interface to access e-mail attachments and existing files without the need to launch different software packages. It also allows you to create and extract zip files. Price: $49 (downloaded), $59 (boxed). Contact: Jasc Software, (800) 622-2793,

Digital Display
View and share your digital images without having to be near your computer with the Kodak StoryBox digital frame. As well as accessing images directly from a CompactFlash card, you can download photographs you've stored on the Internet on the StoryBox Network. Family and friends who have their own frames will be able to access those same images as well as receive customized weather and traffic reports. List Price: $349. Contact: StoryBox, (877) 35-STORY,

Easy Video/Picture Processor
Reduce grain and noise from your video (AVI) and image files using PicturePrep from NuWave Technologies. You'll also be able to enhance and apply special effects to your digital still files for use in e-mails or prints. A complete version of the software is available for download from the Web. Estimated Street Price: $29.95. Contact: NuWave Technologies, (973) 882-8810,

2001 Photoshop Workshops
Learn the basics of scanning, digital cameras, image editing and printing with PCPhoto Editor Rob Sheppard in the Great Smokies (April 4-8) or the Arches National Monument (October 17-21). Enjoy beautiful natural locations while learning about new digital technologies at the Great American Photo Workshop. Sheppard's Jumpstart Photoshop workshop (February 15-17) is a hands-on program on learning the basic skills needed to control images with Photoshop, held at the Palm Beach Photographic Workshop. Contact: Palm Beach Photographic Workshop, (561) 276-9797,; Great American Photographic Weekend, (606) 523-1653,

Hard Copy
Putting Your Small Business On The Web by Maria Langer (Peachpit Press, 2025, ISBN: 0-201-71713-1). Learn the hows and whys of using the Web to further your business. The author includes information on designing and building your site, Web-hosting costs and getting your site noticed.

Basic 35mm Photo Guide For Beginning Photographers, Fifth Edition by Craig Alesse (Amherst Media, Inc., 2025, ISBN: 1-58428-030-1). Using numerous illustrations and plain-spoken text, this book introduces the novice to the all-important fundamentals of 35mm photography.

Visual Quickstart Guide: InDesign For Macintosh & Windows by Sandee Cohen (Peachpit Press, 2025, ISBN: 0-201-71036-6). Depending more on pictures than long, drawn-out explanations, the author takes you through the in and outs of this versatile desktop-publishing software.

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