True Colors Calibrate your monitor to achieve accurate color in your digital darkroom
By Ibarionex R Perello
The joy of digital photography can be quickly diffused when the
photograph we’ve printed doesn’t resemble what we saw on our monitors.
Dramatic differences in brightness, contrast and especially color make
using a digital darkroom an exercise in frustration instead of
Match-Making Get your monitor to accurately portray the colors of your digital photos
By Ibarionex R. Perello
I was thrilled when I bought my first inkjet printer and couldn’t wait
to make my first color print. After spending about half an hour
perfecting the portrait photograph in Photoshop, I sent the image to
the printer and was immediately disappointed. If the person had been a
visiting extraterrestrial or suffering from jaundice, the yellowish
skin tone might have been acceptable. Neither was the case. I was just
another photographer experiencing the frustration of having an inkjet
print that didn’t match what was on the monitor.