
March/April 2025

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    Kanguru Biostor

    Brave New Biometric

    Protect important data with the power of biometric security. The Kanguru BioSTOR portable hard drive features a built-in fingerprint scanner to verify identity, preventing access to unauthorized users. Security software and data is stored on the drive itself, allowing you to use the drive with any PC—no additional software installations are necessary. The compact BioSTOR weighs just two pounds and is available with storage capacities ranging from 40 GB to 500 GB. List Price: From $279. Contact: Kanguru Solutions, (888) KANGURU, www.kanguru.com.          
    Get In The Zone
    The intuitive interface of Light Crafts’ LightZone editing software will help you process and edit your digital images quicker and easier. Created with the classic Zone System in mind, many photographers will find working with LightZone to be natural and intuitive. A powerful search function helps you locate your images in an instant, while StudioZone, the built-in image and file browser, makes it easy to view and manage your photographs. RegionMapper allows you to select specific areas in your image using shapes to adjust light and tonal values to that area. Macintosh only. List Price: $249. Contact: Light Crafts, (650) 331-1989, www.lightcrafts.com.

    Macro, Baby!
    Compose creative close-ups with the Lensbaby Macro Kit. The two macro lenses attach to the Lensbaby lens and enable you to focus from two to 13 inches away from your subject. Capture eye-popping details with unique Lensbaby selective-focus effects. The Lensbaby Macro Kit contains one +4 and one +10 macro lens and will fit both the original Lensbaby and the Lensbaby 2.0. Use the attachments separately or stack them on top of one another. List Price: $29. Contact: Lensbabies, (877) 536-7222, www.lensbabies.com.

    I’ll Take That Data To Go
    Safely transport pics, MP3 files, even hours of digital video in your shirt pocket using the Pexagon Store-It. Store-It is a Hitachi Travelstar hard drive equipped with Retrospect backup software. Available in four different sizes, the drive is slender with sturdy aluminum casing; the actual dimensions vary by the amount of storage space. List Price: $180 (20 GB and 60 GB); $200 (80 GB); $270 (100 GB). Contact: Pexagon Technology, (203) 453-7300, www.pexagontech.com.

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