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How To: Image Processing

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  • Photoshop tips and more: Learn the tricks of the trade when it comes to digital photo processing and find out what the experts think about the latest image processing tools for your PC. 

    Trade Tricks: Sharpening The Right Way
    Unsharp mask can work magic—if you just don’t overdo it
    TT: Sharpening The Right Way smSharpening is an important step in the image-editing process. While it won’t make an out-of-focus image (or an image blurred by camera or subject motion) sharp, sharpening will increase the contrast between light and dark pixels at edges in the image, which makes the image appear sharper. Digital imaging provides lots of useful tools, but you still have to focus accurately and hold the camera steady when shooting.
    Jumpstart Layers
    Gain more power and control in photoshop by mastering layers
    Jumpstart LayersThe use of Layers is consistently the most feared part of Photoshop. I’ve had photographers tell me that they just can’t deal with Layers, and I know very good photographers who do excellent Photoshop work, but still believe they “aren’t ready for Layers,” or “don’t really need Layers” or even “just can’t do Layers.”
    Top Photoshop Techniques
    Improve your image-editing skills with these typical adjustments for popular subjects
    Top Photoshop TechniquesPhotoshop is such a powerful application, with deep menus and a vast array of tools and controls, that even experienced users continually find new ways to use the program for better photography. One of the best ways to improve your skills with Photoshop is to see how other photographers use it for specific results, so we’ve compiled a few of our favorite techniques for particular subjects.
    Double-Process RAW For Better Tonality
    Don't try to do it all in one step. Use the power of RAW to process two separate images optimized for different tonalities.
    Double-Process RAW For Better Tonality sm One problem photographers have always faced is the fact that no medium yet invented can capture the tonal range our eyes can see. Film can’t get close to recording the brightness range of light that the human eye can perceive. This holds true for digital sensors as well. While some high-end sensors can record more tonal information than film, they still can’t record all the tonal variations the eye can see.
    How To Process A RAW File
    A step-by-step approach to getting the most from a RAW image file

    How To Process A RAW FileRAW files are gaining interest among all photographers for good reason. In part, they hold a mystique as the “pro’s format,” which isn’t completely true, as many pros also shoot JPEG. RAW files are notable for their processing potential to help you get the most from your shot.

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