Build Your Own Web GalleryA step-by-step guide with screenshots for building your first website |
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If youre not familiar with computer code, learning HTML might sound overwhelming. While its true that HTML is just the beginning of a vast world of programming languages for the web, for the typical photographer who wants a polished, professional website, HTML is sufficiently powerful and flexible to get the job done. Whats really exciting and fun about learning HTML is that once you get the basics down, its easy to learn new tricks. What may look to the uninitiated as strings of nonsense characters are really just little building blocksthink of Legosthat snap together to create the web page you see in the browser. Were going to break all of this down into the basic elements so itll be really manageable to learn. One more thing before we get started: web hosting. Youre going to need it, so go get a domain and hosting right now before you continue. Many photographers will register a domain using their name (e.g., www.wesleypitts.com), or if thats already taken, theyll add photography to the end. Or, be creative and make up something. |